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P & G Reasoning Online Test Prep
The Lima Adult Learning Center is providing online training for those interested in employment at P&G. If you are taking the P&G Reasoning test these resources will prepare you.
Step 1 - Fill out the form below.
Step 2 - Call or text 234-759-I685 to receive your username and password for our online test preparation resources.
Step 3 - Go to khanacademy.org/login. Use your username and password to log in. Once you get logged in do this: Go to Profile (top right), then Progress (middle of screen), then Coach Recommendations (left side). You will see a list of of exercises that will help prepare you for the P&G Reasoning Test.
Step 1 - Fill out the form below.
Step 2 - Call or text 234-759-I685 to receive your username and password for our online test preparation resources.
Step 3 - Go to khanacademy.org/login. Use your username and password to log in. Once you get logged in do this: Go to Profile (top right), then Progress (middle of screen), then Coach Recommendations (left side). You will see a list of of exercises that will help prepare you for the P&G Reasoning Test.